Earth observation  

The module aims to provide basic and broad-spectrum knowledge on remote sensing systems for observing the Earth from aircraft and satellite and on the European Union Copernicus services for monitoring our planet and its environment with the use of satellite data. Copernicus services concern the management of the land and major renewable and non-renewable resources, the marine environment, the atmosphere, and environmental safety in a context of sustainable use of resources and the impact on climate change. The module describes, with a systems approach, the requirements and general characteristics of the system in relation to the final application. It illustrates the physical bases of remote sensing and simple models of electromagnetic interaction with natural means useful for the interpretation of data. It illustrates or recalls the operating principles of the main remote sensing sensors in the different regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. It illustrates the main techniques of remote sensing data processing for the purpose of generating application products, also with the aid of computer exercises. It provides an overview of the information on the terrestrial environment (atmosphere, sea, vegetation, etc.) detectable in the different bands of the electromagnetic spectrum. It describes the main Earth Observation space missions, and the most significant characteristics of the products supplied to end users.
Earth observation

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